Eden to Easter - Tuesday

Tuesday: Messed up!

You need

Animal skins for Adam and Eve

  • use cloth or paper.

  • Thorny weeds.

  • Little stones.


Read from a grown up bible with a grown up person (to help!) from Luke 10:19 and 20. If that’s too tricky, re-read the end of the creation story again. God still loves us when we mess up.

Make some animal clothes for Adam and Eve.

Mess up the garden a bit and add some thorny weeds.

Remember that God was going to send someone to sort out all the bad stuff and our broken word.

Step on the snake!!

Make a path of stones through the broken garden. God has a plan to make everything better!


Write or draw on a piece of paper something that is not good in our world. It could be pollution, people who don’t have enough food, unfair things, illness like the coronavirus, or doing unkind things to each other or God. Tear up your piece of paper and throw the bits on your messed up garden. Tell God how you feel.