HOPE works with local communities in 28 developing countries and we support their work in Ethiopia which aims to provide clean water to a region where in 2009 only 11% of the population had access to this resource. As of early 2014, HOPE has brought clean water to 43% of the population. This means that alongside other donors, Community Church has helped to bring clean water to more than 60,000 people in the Bonke region in just over three years. This is life-changing and life-giving to those people.

Every year, thousands of Ethiopians die from diseases such as cholera and dysentary which are associated with drinking dirty water. The best way to lower the disease rate is to provide a lasting supply of clean, safe drinking water and HOPE's work over the years - drilling wells and capping springs - has resulted in thousands of Ethiopians now having access to abundant supplies of clean water. HOPE's goal is to bring clean water to all in the Bonke region of southern Ethiopia by 2018. At present it is the only charity working in this region.

Community Church attender Alan Mann was a trustee of HOPE in recent years and in November 2008 Chaz Hickman visited some of HOPE's projects and completed the challenging Ethiopian Run to raise money for the charity whilst his wife, Cath Hickman, visited Ethiopia in 2009.