The FuelCast


I actually first met Andy Thomas, the man behind the Fuelcast, in the context of my work as a Graphic Designer. I was asked to help rebrand the daily devotional resource and have since worked on their videos, website, and several other projects.

What I didn’t know is that the Fuelcast would become an incredibly helpful resource for my faith. I signed up to the daily videos out of interest, and was quickly impressed at the quality of the film, the variety of speakers, and the spiritual refreshment which came with listening to them.

Anyway, what is the Fuelcast and why is it important? I’ll let them answer that question:

The Fuelcast is a platform providing a free inspirational discipleship video every weekday of the year.

Strengthening your faith and helping you live the more abundant life you were made for.When it comes to our Christian lives, many of us are running on empty. The conviction, confidence and passion we once had is running out.  What we need is fuel...

While we’re in lockdown, making sure we have strong rhythms of spiritual discipline is super important. For years, I’ve enjoyed waking up and making a cup of coffee, opening my inbox on my phone and clicking through to the daily video from Fuelcast.

The videos are normally 5 minutes or less, the speakers are relevant, challenging and encouraging. The Biblical teaching is helpful and insightful, and gives me something to focus on for my morning quiet time.

So, if you’re looking for something creative to reenergise your quiet times, I can’t recommend this resource highly enough. You can sign up for free, or simply browse through the website to view their full library of videos (watch out though, there are some dodgy speakers on there, like me!).

I’ll include a a link to a video I recently did for the Fuelcast. I hope that you’ll be as blessed by their hard work as much as I have been.
