Sunday: Word For The Day

Sunday 10th January

Prayer Week

Remember the story of the house built on the rock and the one built on the sand? During this time of Covid I think we can safely say the storm is raging, but God invites us to take shelter under the shadow of his wings, to come into his strong tower. The Lord longs to hold you, to love you, to remove all fear. Lean back into the loving arms of the father and his promises. He has the power to sustain you, to lead you into peace.

Where will you fix your gaze? Where will you put your meditation, your focus? What will you let into your heart, the trouble of this world or its overcomer? In Jesus you are more than a conqueror, his hand is steadfast to hold you, his heart is unswerving in his love for you. Put your hope in him who doesn’t change and let him give you his rock to stand on. The sand keeps moving with the tide, with each news broadcast, but his rock remains. Sure up your foundations.

We long for better times, but fixing our hope in the circumstances around us changing can be exhausting in this yo-yo climate. When trouble comes remind yourself -
“My house is built on the rock, my hope is built on Jesus, I choose not to fear, I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me”

John 16:33 “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Isaiah 49:23 “ those who hope in me will not be disappointed “

Romans 8:37 “ no in all these things we are more than conquerors thorough him who loved us”