Eden to Easter - Thursday

Thursday: Stay close to Jesus, the gardener

You need

  • Flowers or birds. Make them!

  • Some fruit to grow on a vine. Grapes or raisins or any fruit you may have.


Read the from Matthew 6:25—34 and John 15 1-8, or The Singer from The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Make some flowers or birds for your garden. They don’t worry! Jesus will look after us too.

Pretend that your vine is growing fruit. Jesus is the stalk and we are the branches that grow good fruit. Eat some good fruit.

Name them as Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Jesus is the gardener who grows these in our lives.


Activity. Make a big flower with petals. Write on the middle something you are worried about and tell this to God. Write on the petals some of the ‘fruit’ you want him to help you have more of and ask him for this.